Our governors

Rhian Griffiths – Chair
Geraint Scott – Vice Chair
Becca Pugh – Headteacher
Llinos Misra
Cath Bliss
Jodie Evans
Leah Evans
Richard Grigg
Rhys Angell-Jones
Sally Craven
Richard Parsons
Lynette James
Samantha Sampson

The Governing Body and its Role

The Governing Body at Ysgol Pen-y-Garth has a responsibility for seeing that the school is run effectively, acting within the framework set by legislation and that the policies of the Local Authority (LA) and the Welsh Government (WG) are adhered to.

The Governing Body, the Headteacher and the Senior Management team work in a close and balanced partnership to provide the best possible education for the pupils at Ysgol Pen-y-Garth.

The full Governing Body meets twice a term and there are also a number of sub-committees that meet regularly. These sub-committees have been strategically set up to support the needs of the school. There is a specific agenda for each meeting. Some committees have delegated responsibilities. The Well-being committee has proven very supportive of pupils and staff especially during the recent lockdowns. The Communication committee was set up when we created our new website ad has also been successful. During the last few years the Premises, Health and Safety committee worked diligently to persuade the Vale that the older part of the school needs a new roof which was completed just after the first lockdown.

In the main Governing Body meeting teachers give presentations regarding various aspects of the school development plan and governors have opportunities to ask questions regarding progress and impact. Currently these include, Additional Learning Needs, Curriculum for Wales and Siarter Iaith the work of all the school committees.

All Governors attended mandatory training eg understanding school data and induction Other courses attended included Well-being, Data protection and Chair of Governors training.Safeguarding Governor attends Safeguarding training.

Governing Body 2023-2024

Mrs Rhian Griffiths (Chair)Community / Minor Authority Representative
Geraint Scott (Vice-chairman)Parent
Miss Becca PughHead Teacher
Mrs Cath Bliss
Mrs Sally CravenNon teaching staff
Mrs Llinos Misra
Mr Richard Grigg
Mr Rhys Angell Jones
Mr Dyfri Owen
Mr Richard Parsons
Mr Dafydd Owen
Mrs Lynette James
Samantha Sampson

Committees of Ysgol Pen-y-Garth

Meet at least once every termMeet when necessary
Finance CommitteePupil Discipline Committee
Curriculum CommitteeStaff Dismissal Committee
Premises and H&S CommitteeComplaints Committee
HT Performance Management CommitteeAppeals Committee

Governors with specific Roles

Governors with specific Roles
Llinos Misra (Safeguarding and ALN)

Finance Committee

This committee recommends a budget each financial year to the Full Governing Body for approval prior to submission to the LEA. It also receives and considers at least once a term, financial reports outlining the school’s income and expenditure account. to ensure the maintenance of a balanced budget, and to assist in identifying ways of balancing demands on resources with the funds available, and to report thereon to the Governing Body.

Curriculum Committee

This committee considers all matters in relation to the school curriculum. This includes the school development plan, policies relating to the curriculum, pupils targets and progression. The priorities this year is…

Premises and Health and Safety

This committee considers all matters relating to premises, building and Health and Safety at the school including security and grounds. This involves regular inspection of the premises to identify essential maintenance. This committee identified the need to replace the roof of the original building and has been in regular consultation with the Authority to arrange this

Well Being

This committee has met twice a term throughout the year looking at pupils and staff well-being. The priority this year has been….


This committee was set up to make good use of communication and to be proactive where possible for positive communications about the school. It also deals with matters related to the website. More recently the remit has been to…